Essay on Lord Shri Ram in English

Essay on Lord Shri Ram

Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram was the seventh manifestation in Shri Hari Vishnu’s Ten incarnations. Shri Ram, Lord Shri Ram, the lord of the twelve arts, was created to represent a ideal for the welfare of humanity and all human beings. Shri Ram is counted among the most powerful gods of Hinduism. He is believed to be the god of sacrifice, compassion, and devotion. He has displayed the most impressive examples of dignity, humility as well as patience the eyes of the world.

Essay 1. (300 words)


“Rama is in the grain of pleasure”

The one who dwells in every particle is Ram. There are many stories about Shri Ram from Sanatan Dharma. The extraordinary tales of the life of Shri Ram, Maharishi Valmiki has presented it in a beautiful manner in Ramayana. Beyond that, Goswami Tulsidas composed Ramcharitmanas and brought Shri Ram to the heart of the populace.

Sri Ram Navami

“On 9th day Chaitra.

The five constellations of goddess Aditi in their most prominent positions

with the purpose of speech to the point of speech Cancer on the worlds.”

The verse within Valmiki’s Ramayana refers to the birthplace of the Lord Rama. Shri Ram was born in Treta Yuga. The day of his birth is the 9th day in Chaitra month.

Prabhu Shri Ram was born and raised in Ayodhya which is now Uttar Pradesh. He was the youngest brother of The King Dasharatha from Ayodhya. The king Dasharatha also had 3 queens: Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and the youngest Sumitra. King Dasharatha had sons following lots of chanting and piety. There were four boys born out of his queens. The queen with the highest rank is Rama who was from Kaushalya, Bharata from Kaikeyi and Lakshmana and Shatrughna from Sumitra.


In his early years, Shri Ram was very gentle and modest. He was close to his dad. He was, in fact, the weak link that King Dasharatha had. King Dasharatha was not willing to remove him from his sight for a single second. Even when he was an aunty, he continued to show love as well as respect for Kaikeyi most. To him, all three of his mothers were equally. Being the oldest one, he had the greatest care of his brothers who were younger.

Education Graduation

Shri Ram’s schooling-initiation was finished in the Ashram that was Guru Vashistha. Lord Ram was extremely powerful from the time of his childhood. He began the pattern of his power as a child. Then he killed a lot of demons but, most importantly, defeated the powerful Lankapati Ravana and made the earth pure.


There are a myriad of stories concerning Shri Ram. Shri Ram that it’s impossible to include them all into one article. Shri Ram’s personality is an inspiration. Everyone should emulate his ideals.

Essay 2. (400 words)


“Life is as such, you’ll not have leisure time at your job.

Enjoy a day like this, and love Shri Ram.

Sri Rama Sri Rama, the ideal representation of the ultimate protector Vishnu has always been loved by Hindu gods. Rama is the embodiment of goodwill and morality as demonstrated by morals and values. Ramachandra is also called Maryada purushottam which translates to the perfect man. Lord Rama was believed to have conceived on earth to defeat all evil powers of his time.

Rama as a deity

Lord Rama is as per Swami Vivekananda, “the embodiment of truth, the ideal son of morality, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king”. The actions of their lives raise them to the status of God.

The Ramayana is a renowned Hindu epic written by poet Valmiki. According to Hindu beliefs, Rama lived in Treta Yuga. Tulsidas’s amazing interpretation of “Ramacharitmanas” from the Sanskrit version “Ramayana” increased the popularity of Rama as an Hindu deity and gave birth to numerous devotional groups.

Character of the Ram

Shri Ram was a Khan of virtues. Rama was not just kind and affectionate, but also generous and compassionate. Lord Rama had an amazing physical appearance and charming manner. Shri Ram’s character was unparalleled and magnificent. He was extremely noble gracious, kind, and courageous. He was very straightforward in his nature.

Perfect example

Lord Rama is known as the perfect son of the world. In every aspect of goodness He is the most excellent. He never committed a lie throughout his entire life. He always showed respect to academics and teachers. The people loved him and he offered plenty of hospitality and love to people. He was transcendental and mystical. They were beautiful, able and flexible to the environment. He was able to discern the innermost thoughts of each human being (being all-knowing). He had all the traits of a king’s son and was a king’s son in the hearts of people.

Lord Rama is awe-inspiring supernatural powers

Lord Rama was blessed with extraordinary transcendental attributes. He was a man of such attributes with unstoppable strength and courage and was the God who could not be matched by all. To live a life of success by following the example and example of Shri Ram will be your most effective method. Shri Ram’s lived an example of pious observation, beautiful immaculate character unsurpassed simplicity amazing contentment, amazing self-sacrifice and extraordinary abandonment.


Lord Rama Also popularly referred to as Ramchandra. Ramchandra is renowned for his qualities. Rama is the ultimate disciple and the great lord of Hanuman. The splendor that is Shri Ram is revealed in Maryada Purushottam as Rama is the epitomize of righteousness.

Essay 3. (500 words)


The life of Shri Ram on this planet is believed to take place on the ninth day in Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month. He was a perfect person who inspired others to live their in a way that is honest. He fought against the evil motives and dishonesty that are prevalent throughout the world. The belief is that He was sent to earth to remind people of the virtues.

Mother Sita’s Swayamvar

Once Maharishi Vishwamitra was a guest from Mithila together with Lord Rama and Lakshmana together. King Janak was arranging an swayamvara to celebrate his son Sita. It was a competition where many of the groomsmen who were likely to be groomsmen were trying their best to win Sita’s heart. King Janak who was King of Mithila at the time as the most dedicated devotee of Lord Shiva He received the Shiva-Dhanush as a present.

The bow of Mahadev was rejected condition Swayambar

The requirement that was imposed on Swayambar was that the person who could lift a large bow and string it onto his own could marry the princess Sita however, no one could have done this.

King Janak was extremely agitated over whether there was an actual warrior on planet, who could remove the bow Mahadev from his spot. Even the extremely strong Lankan husband Ravana who was a fervent lover of Mahadev was not moved away from the bow of Mahadev.

Shri Ram’s appearance in Janak’s court

With the appearance to Lord Shri Ram in the court of Janak and the entire scene is illuminated by his brilliant shining light. With his blessings from the Guru and his family, the Lord raises his bow for the span of a second. The bow is broken with the touch of his. In this manner, Shri Ram fulfills the condition of Swayambar and Mother Janaki blesses him.

The exile of Lord Rama

When the Lord Rama became married to Sita and was subsequently crowned, it was made sure that he would be made the King of Ayodhya. His stepmother was determined that her son Bharata the king, rather than making him the king. He pleaded with the king Dasharatha to place Rama out of the country for fourteen years. Because Dasharatha had been bound by the promise that he had to do this by putting a stone on his heart. Lord Rama together with wife, and brother Lakshmana was taken to the forest to be exiled.

Killing of Ravana by Lord Rama

The story begins with Supanakha cutting her nose off. Ravana was so furious at the disrespect from his mother that she decided to exact revenge by abducting Sita. At the exact moment Ravana was threatening to take Sita from her, Jatayu, one of the devotees of Lord Rama was fighting Ravana with all the strength he could. But, Ravana cut off his wings, and Jatayu was severely injured and fell to the floor. Ravana was able to take Mother Sita to his kingdom known as Lanka.

Construction of Ram Setu on the sea

Lord Rama together with his monkey followers and Hanuman took the sea route to get to the Kingdom of Lanka. Hanuman is a devotee to Rama was the one who built Rama Setu on the sea using floating rocks and wrote his name in the honor of Lord Rama in order to reach Lanka’s island. Lanka. The Ram Setu pool still exists to this day.

Ravana challenges Lord Rama

Ravana is a challenge to Lord Rama to take him down and to take Sita away. To ensure that the righteousness remained the king had to take on Ravana’s brother Vishal Kumbhakarna, and his sons, as well as many demons that appeared on the way.

The end of Ravana

Ravana was a man with his 10 heads (dashanan) and this makes it impossible to take him down. Lord Rama was able to defeat him, by aide from Vibhishana (Ravan’s sister) returning to Ayodhya after 14 years of living with Mother Sita along with brother Lakshmana that is known as Diwali.


According to many legends that Rama is the Lord of all. Rama was believed to have been the 7th manifestation of Lord Vishnu who came to destroy the demon King Ravana. Shri Ram is known for his impeccable appearance and simplicity. Shri Ram is one of the most revered gods of Hinduism.

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